The University of the West Indies Press (UWI Press) recently launched Caribbean Trade, Integration and Development – Selected Papers and Speeches of Alister McIntyre (Vols. 1 & 2). The works edited by Andrew S. Downes, Compton Bourne, M. Arnold McIntyre, and Rosalie O’Meally, reflect the vision of the late Sir Alister McIntyre, OCC, OM, CCH, who has been described variously as an economic consultant, economic advisor, scholar, policymaker and former Vice-Chancellor of The University of the West Indies (The UWI).
The June 30 hybrid event, chaired by Professor Emerita The Most Honourable Eudine Barriteau, former Pro Vice-Chancellor, and Principal, was hosted physically at The UWI Cave Hill Campus Walcott Warner Theatre and streamed live via UWItv. The recorded broadcast of the launch can be accessed here.
Featured speaker at the launch, the Honourable Mia Amor Mottley, Q.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Barbados highlighted the current relevance of Sir Alister’s intellect. She quoted an excerpt which read, “…At the present time what is occurring in the Caribbean forms part of the larger global impact of the international economic crisis in the third world. However, it is important that the governments and peoples of the region be thoroughly conversant with the hard facts of our economic situation: for it is from those facts, and from the search for solutions to the problems which they pose, that one begins to appreciate the need for urgent action to strengthen the regional movement.” Prime Minister Mottley expounded, “Those words were delivered on December 8, 1975, by Sir Alister McIntyre. They could have as easily with the exception of the 20% reference in inflation be delivered in the year 2022 on the region which we are members.”
Vice-Chancellor of The UWI, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, also a presenter on the programme shared, “Sir Alister was the quintessential university man. Our strategic plan, we call it the Triple A Strategic Plan is built upon three pillars of access, alignment, and agility. Sir Alister also represented our Triple A because he was first-class academic, a brilliant administrator and a great advocate for development…These two collections constitute a lifetime of output in the printed word into spoken word as a policy advocate, as a mobiliser of Caribbean consciousness around the imperative of development and his academic publishing.”
Professor Densil A. Williams, Chair of the UWI Press Board of Directors and Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The UWI Five Islands Campus also delivered remarks, stating, “…within Caribbean Trade, Integration and Development, the editors of these volumes carefully and painstakingly selected works of Sir Alister to reflect his intellectual contribution to development discourse looking at issues such as decolonisation and trade policy in the West Indies, towards a new international economic order, small countries in the world economy, governance and decentralization in the context of a regional university among many other areas. The speeches, academic papers and notes, all provide critical insights into the framing of a localised intellectual discourse on regional development which can lay the foundation for the development and execution of home-grown policies and institutions to support our development efforts. These volumes should be required reading for all those who are interested in Caribbean development that is anchored on context specificity, intellectual rigour, and clarity of thought.”
Other contributions during the launch came from Sir Alister’s family, Lady Majorie McIntyre and Dr. M. Arnold McIntyre; Professor R. Clive Landis, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The UWI Cave Hill Campus; Dr. Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon, President, Caribbean Development Bank; Dr. Shelton Nicholls, Senior Advisor to the President, Caribbean Development Bank.
Copies of the Caribbean Trade, Integration and Development – Selected Papers and Speeches of Alister McIntyre (Vols. 1 & 2) can be purchased from www.uwipress.com.
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