The 13th Annual UWI Toronto Benefit Awards event is carded for June 25, 2022, under the theme: “One Caribbean …. Global Impact”.
As the University’s largest fundraising event in Canada, the Awards Benefit helps provide critical scholarships to empower students with education and shape future generations of the island nations.
Through its commitment over the past 12 years, the Scotiabank sponsored, UWI Toronto Benefit Awards has granted 650 scholarships and raised almost CDN$3 million.
“The pandemic has put tremendous strain on the education, financial, and healthcare sectors. With the loss of jobs due to the downturn in the economy, students have been more severely affected as most are from single-parent households. Day-to-day survival has become the priority, which leads to severe frustration for those who are already marginalised and desperate”, said Dr. Donette Chin-Loy Chang, UWI Toronto Benefit Awards Co-Patron.
Caribbean countries live in a constant state of vulnerability as it is affected by climate change, health crises, and other economic, environmental, and social issues. “The University is to be credited for its continued focus on providing first-class education. Given the enormous challenges encountered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the welfare of students remains the primary concern of the Institution”, said Mrs. Elizabeth Buchanan-Hind, Executive Director of the University’s Institutional Advancement Division.
The 2022 Awards boasts an impressive list of diverse honourees: G. Raymond Chang Award: Mrs. Janice Fukakusa (Chancellor, Ryerson University and Business Executive); Luminary Award: Mr. Andre De Grasse (six-time Olympic medalist and 200M Olympic Champion 2020) and Mr. Basil Watson (World Renowned Sculptor); Chancellor’s Award: Pan American Health Organization (Specialized International Health Agency); Vice-Chancellor’s Award: Mr. Walter Chin (World Renowned Fashion Photographer), Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh-Thilsted (Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health at WorldFish, 2021 World Food Prize and UWI Alumna) and Dr. Camille Wardrop-Alleyne (Aerospace Engineer and Space Scientist).
Co-Patrons of the UWI Toronto Benefit Awards are Dr. Donette Chin-Loy Chang, Mr. Andrew Chang, Ms. Brigette Chang with Dr. Wesley J. Hall as Honourary Patron. The event is once again proudly supported by Scotiabank for the 13th consecutive year. For more information, please email our Secretariat at secretariat@uwitorontogala.org, or call 416-214-7848 or visit our website at www.uwitorontogala.org