About Us
UWITV is the official multimedia platform of the University of the West Indies (UWI). The primary objective of UWITV is to present uniquely Caribbean educational and public information to the Caribbean region and the wider world. UWITV focuses on delivering critical analyses of our region’s common issues, concerns, and socio-economic priorities.
Since its inception in 2016, UWITV remains committed to advancing the UWI’s mission of advancing learning, creating knowledge, and fostering innovations for the positive transformation of the Caribbean and the wider world. UWITV is led by the philosophical underpinning that our role as a UWI is to ensure that we are a globally excellent university, rooted in the Caribbean.

UWITV’s content is aired on our 24-hour FLOW Evo Cable Vision platform across 17 territories. UWITV continues to be the only education cable and internet channel with an aim to ensure that the eyes of the Caribbean people continue to be on Caribbean-generated content. UWITV’s global reach via cable television and the internet makes it a powerful tool for disseminating knowledge, stimulating critical thought, promoting advocacy and activism and imbuing leaders in every developmental sphere In the Caribbean. This unique partnership allows classrooms and living rooms to converge with access to reliable and high-quality content, knowledge and information.
This platform enables us to deliver uniquely diverse UWI and Caribbean- focused programming to millions of viewers in the Caribbean and the wider world. Our main unique programming includes, Research Room, Generation Nexx, Pelican Pride and Region Talk.
UWITV’s cable service is bolstered by a robust web and social media presence, with over 31,000 followers, allowing access to real-time or on-demand content. The UWITV online www.uwitv.global provides access to programmes broadcast on the cable TV networks and a searchable database containing thousands of archived UWI content covering a wide spectrum of topics and subjects.
These multi-dimensional and modern media platforms showcase the impactful contributions being made by UWI and amplify the strategically advantageous collaborations with national, regional and international partners. These partnerships include the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme, The Caribbean Development Bank, The Caribbean Court of Justice, The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, and other leading developmental agencies across the region.