UWI’s 75th Anniversary Higher Education Forum Beyond 75: Vision, Strategy and Leadership for Higher Education
Watch the important higher education forum Beyond 75: Vision, Strategy and Leadership for Higher Education on Thursday July 20, 2023, from 9:00 am (Jamaica) and 10:00 am (Eastern Caribbean/Eastern Daylight).
The flagship event of The University of the West Indies’ Jubilee Week celebrations, the forum brings together partner institutions and other important regional voices to cast a vision for the higher education future we need. The hybrid event features a keynote address from The Honourable Dr. Terrance M. Drew, Prime Minster of St. Kitts & Nevis along with presentations from UWI Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, University Registrar Dr. Maurice D. Smith and representatives from partner organisations including the Caribbean Development Bank, the Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE), CARICOM and the CARICOM Private Sector Organisation.
The Jubilee Week of celebrations, on from July 17 – 22, 2023, is a special feature in the yearlong list of activities in honour of The UWI’s 75th anniversary. The series of events, hosted at the Mona Campus, is a valuable opportunity for The UWI’s wide network of staff, students, alumni, partners and friends from across the globe to join the celebrations. Visit www.uwi.edu/75 for more.
Kindly note the details below:
Event: Beyond 75 – Vision, Strategy and Leadership for Higher Education
Venue: In person at the Eon Nigel Harris Council Room, UWI Regional Headquarters
Virtual via UWItv at www.uwitv.global OR www.facebook.com/UWItv
Date: Thursday July 20, 2023
Time: 9:00 am (Jamaica) and 10:00 am (Eastern Caribbean/Eastern Daylight)
Opening Session
- The Honourable Dr. Terrance M. Drew, Prime Minister, St. Kitts & Nevis (Keynote)
- Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor, The University of the West Indies
- Maurice D. Smith, University Registrar, The University of the West Indies
Panel 1 – The Higher Education Future We Want
- Professor Justin Robinson, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Undergraduate Studies, The UWI (Moderator)
- Omalora Wilson, President, Guild of Students, Mona Campus
- Denise Stoney-James, Deputy Programme Manager, Education, CARICOM Secretariat
- Nigel Scott, Director, St. Vincent & the Grenadines Community College
- Curtis Floyd, President, Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE)
Panel 2 – The Road to Achieving the Vision: Strategy & Leadership
- Professor Aldrie Henry-Lee, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies & Research, The UWI (Moderator)
- The Honourable Lisa Morris-Julia, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Trinidad & Tobago
- Anthony Ali, Executive Committee Member, CARICOM Private Sector Organization
- Hazel Carter, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership, City College of New York
- Daniel Best, Director – Projects, Caribbean Development Bank